The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Adelaide Lodge

Logan Group

Meets 1st Friday and 1st thursday each month

Venue: Contact Christine Gwin on 0418755496 or email to for the current location.

2021 The Power of Thought ...

First Friday of the month Meetings
Meeting is at 9.15am to midday. Morning tea at 10.30am, please bring a vegetarian snack to share. Please contact the coordinator for further information.

Occasionally, there may be a speaker for the period 11am to midday. Program is updated monthly.

First Thursday of the month Meetings
There is a meeting on the first Thursday evening of each month starting at 5.30pm to 7.30 pm.  Please RSVP to

For those new to theosophy (meaning 'Divine Wisdom’) there is an introduction to Theosophy available.
Please phone the coordinator for information, Christine Gwin on 0418755496 or email to


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The Rona Scott Gallery

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